Application form

Brief information on the electronic application form
For identification of Potential Contractors under “Rules of organization and management of procurement in Azerbaijan Shipping Company (ASCO)”, approved by ASCO’s order dated on June 12, 2014, an appropriate database will be established. In addition to sending an official letter for accessing the Database of Potential Contractors (DPC), it may also be requested by filling in the following electronic form and uploading required documents. Appeals received in formal or electronic form will be registered and evaluated, and in accordance with the results of the evaluation, ASCO’s Procurement Committee shall decide whether the contractor will be added to DPC or not. Contractors from DPC are invited to attend the procurement operations in accordance with the requirements of “Rules of organization and management of procurement in ASCO” to meet ASCO’s needs.
Note: All spaces should be filled and all required documents should be installed. Appliers carry responsibility for accuracy of the introduced information and installed documents and if any fraud information revealed, the Applier will be included into the Database of İnvalid Contractors and will be prohibited to participate in any bidding / procurement operations with ASCO for a fixed period of time!
Thanks for applying and the intent of cooperation!