Contribution to Global SDGs

17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 were adopted worldwide at the United Nations Summit held on September 25, 2015 and entered into force since January 2016. The Republic of Azerbaijan has also joined the approved Sustainable Development Goals and undertaken relevant commitments. Being the the country's largest shipping company operating both within and beyond the Caspian sea, ASCO covers all SDGs directly or indirectly through its activities and value chain, and recognizes its responsibility to achieve the goals set by our state. In this respect, ASCO’s activites and Sustainability Policy are aimed at contributing to the achievment of SGGs.
Global Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 1 and 2:
Our employees are paid higher than the minimum wage in the country, covering household and necessary expenses. In addition, in accordance with the Company Regulations on Welfare Assistance, we provide financial assistance to our employees and other citizens in need.
We constantly ensure healthy and safe working environment for our employees. All onshore presonnel and sailing crews of ASCO undergo regular medical examinations. At the same time, medical insurance is applied to our employees and their family members.
ASCO employees are constantly provided with technical, professional and personal development trainings. Beyond that, the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy, which operates under corporate structure of ASCO, offers education of highly qualified local seafarers in the country.
GOAL 5 and 10:
Both men and women are employed at the Company. Equal opportunities have been provided for all employees to strengthen their professional level and achieve career development regardless of their gender, race, religion or affiliations. Employees are paid only in accordance with their position, rank and the results of their performance without being exposed into any kind of discrimination. At the same time, relevant requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights and the respective legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been implemented in the Company.
Protection of drinking water resources is a global issue and drinking water resources are limited in Azerbaijan as well. For this reason, we use drinking water resources efficiently, and constantly monitor the consumption and quality of drinking water on our shore facilities and vessels. We pay close attention to the prevention of any adverse effects of our activities on water bodies.
GOAL 7 and 9:
The Scientific and Technical Council currently established at the Company, the Specialist on Innovations, as well as the Laboratory of Innovations established at Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy are regularly studying various novelties and innovations and international experience in the shipping industry, including the opportunities to use clean and renewable energy sources. Preference is given to energy efficient ship projects equipped with more modern equipment and optimal operation options.
We continuously assess the working conditions and safety of workplaces of our personnel and the requirements of ISO 45001 standard are implemented in this respect. Since its establishment, ASCO has been completing each year with profit and is constantly performing works to ensure the sustainable economic growth othe Compnay.
GOAL 11:
Although ASCO does not have a direct influence on this SDG, the Company indirectly contributes to this SDG by means of its activities, jobs and value created within its operational geography.
GOAL 12:
We are committed to efficient and responsible use of material, natural, human, financial and other resources, both in the production and consumption stages, when providing our services. In this regard, we monitor the provision of optimal levels that will not adversely affect the quality of consumption and production.
GOAL 13:
ASCO aims to keep volume of emissions to a minimum, further reduce such volumes and achieve further progress in this direction.
GOAL 14 and 15:
The special management system, in compliance with the requirements of the relevant international standards and certificates, has been established at ASCO for the protection of the sea surface from oil spills, the management of liquid and solid waste generated by ships, ballast water treatment and the organization of onshore production operations. We thereby strive to prevent any negative technical and anthropogenic impact on marine and terrestrial ecosystems due to our activities.
GOAL 16:
The principle of fairness guides relations with employees and decision-making processes at the Company. The Company refuses to cooperate with all parties engaged in activities violating the principles of international sustainability and business ethics, including use of child or forced labor, corruption, human rights violations and other infringements.
GOAL 17:
We believe that all Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved through the joint exchange of experience and knowledge between different companies, organizations and governments. In this regard, ASCO participates in a various forms of cooperations with both local and foreign partners. At the same time, the Company participates in exchange of experience by joining conferences, seminars, round tables, and other similar events.