Sustainability Policy

The objective of the Policy:
Ensuring the key business and commercial activities, including environmental protection, efficient use of limited resources, full integration of sustainable development principles into the overall value chain, implementation of corporate social responsibility, as well as, providing society and shareholder with long-term benefits in accordance with sustainability principles.
Scope of the Policy:
The Company`s Sustainable Development Policy covers all structural units of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Closed Joint-Stock Company, all types of its commercial and non-commercial activities, as well as relations with all direct and indirect stakeholders, both domestic and foreign.
Our sustainable development goals:
We have set a goal to follow the principles of sustainable development throughout our value chain. We understand the importance of the nature and human capital in our activities and minimizing any potential negative impact in this area is our continuous long-term goal.
Our sustainable development principles:
ASCO Sustainable Development Policy covers three aspects including environmental, social and economic.
Our sustainable development principles in environmental aspect: |
Our sustainable development principles in social aspect: |
Our sustainable development principles in economic aspect: |