“Denizchi repair and construction” LLC

The primary objective of establishing the “Seaman repair- construction” Limited Liability Company is to perform repair, construction and installation, design works in the subsidiary legal entities of the ASCO, its subordinate organizations, including for outside legal entities and individuals.
The main activities of the LLC are the followings:
- performance of all types of repair and construction and installation works (construction, current and capital repairs, reconstruction, restoration or dismantling of buildings and structures), including the following types of work in accordance with urban planning and construction legislation:
- construction and installation works on buildings and structures of the I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with state standards;
- earth and masonry works;
- support (pile), roofing and decorating and completing works;
- erection of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures, installation of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as the in-site collection and installation of metal structures;
- installation of interior engineering systems and equipment;
- application of anti-corrosion coatings to protect technological equipment, pipelines and structures;
- hydro-technical works in open and closed water areas during the construction of marine and river hydraulic structures;
- construction of industrial, civil and public buildings, as well as roads;
- overhaul works as per the applicable design, including the replacement and (or) restoration of non-bearing structures, systems and lines of engineering and communications support on the basis of the respective designs, as well as where necessary, the replacement of certain elements of support structures with other relevant elements and (or) their restoration;
- construction, installation and commissioning works in association with the introduction of new technologies based on the relevant design or the construction of new buildings or structures, including the construction of engineering and communication lines;
- Periodic repair and construction works, as well as works completing and rehabilitation works, without making changes in the structures, engineering and communication systems and lines;
- providing design services for various types of construction and repair works;
- preparation and submission to the relevant departments of all necessary documentation for the implementation of construction works, including documents for the acceptance of objects into operation, in accordance with urban planning and construction legislation;
- Carrying out general contractor functions for relevant types of activity.