
Competitive Tariffs Set for the Transportation of Turkmenistan’s Oil through the Territory of Azerbaijan and Georgia
Tbilisi – capital of Georgia, hosted a meeting between the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) Rauf Valiyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Railways CJSC Javid Gurbanov, the General Director of the Georgian Railways SC David Peradze, the Deputy General Director of the Baku International Trade Port CJSC Vahid Aliyev and representatives of Dubendi and Batumi oil terminals.
A topic of the discussion was the issue of determining competitive tariffs for the transportation of oil and oil products arriving from Turkmenistan through the railways of Azerbaijan and Georgia. As a result of discussions, the parties agreed on competitive rates to maintain existing volumes of goods and attract additional goods through alternative routes. The appropriate Protocol was signed.
According to the protocol, the adopted tariffs will be valid from April 1, 2020 to November 1, 2020. These tariffs will apply to the transportation of oil and oil products from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan via ferries, tankers and oil terminals and then to the Batumi oil terminal by railways of Azerbaijan and Georgia.
During the meeting, the participants exchanged views on other plans for effective cooperation.