
Necessary Precautionary Measures Are Taken to Prevent Environmental Damage
Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) constantly pays attention to the appropriate control of solid and gaseous emissions (emissions) generated on ships and onshore installations, as well as to the prevention of the effects of these emissions on the sea, land and atmosphere. Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) considers environmental protection as one of the key criteria for sustainable development. During operations, the ASCO takes necessary preventive measures within its own capabilities.
According to the results for period from January to September of the current year, 41302.4 tons of domestic wastewater, 1491.6 tons of bilge oil-containing water, 29.9 tons of used lubricating oil, 24.9 tons of oily rags were disposed, on the basis of an agreement, to experienced professionals and certified institutions with technical resources. Thus, the wastes were removed from our territory.
In addition, 16 batteries unsuitable for use, 19.52 tons of rubber waste, 77 fuel filters, 221 oil filters and 146 air filters, 13.3 tons of used paint cans and paint waste, 97.65 tons of wood waste, 56.99 tons of glass fragments, 51.04 tons of cellulose (paper and cardboard) waste, 62.74 tons of textile residues, 71.36 tons of polymer and plastic waste, 324.848 tons of food waste were disposed of similarly.
ASCO has also disposed 5.35 tons of objects of various sizes collected during the indicated period from the surface of the waters of the National Seaside Park and the area of coastal activities of the Company.