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"Aydın Mammadov" crane vessel recommissioned after major overhaul

The major overhaul of the "Aydın Mammadov" crane vessel, owned by ASCO, has been completed.

During the repair works carried out at the "Bibiheybat" Ship Repair Yard, the 40-ton capacity crane, main and auxiliary engines, pumps, and pipeline systems were serviced, while the electrical control and protection systems of the mechanisms were repaired. Additionally, the sewage tank was replaced with a new one.

Modern VHF emergency radio stations were installed on the vessel, and the faulty printer of the existing INMARSAT system was replaced. Furthermore, repair and restoration works were carried out in the ship’s Command Broadcast System.

As part of the overhaul, necessary maintenance was also performed in the crew’s living quarters, sanitary units, and dining areas.

The vessel was docked, and both its underwater and above-water sections were cleaned and repainted. Damaged areas of the hull were replaced, and repairs were carried out on the ship’s propulsion-steering system, bottom-side fittings, and cathodic protection systems.

After the repairs, the crane vessel underwent sea trials. The trials were successfully completed, and the vessel was recommissioned.