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Director of ASCO Training Center Participated in Conference on Dynamic Positioning

Emil Manafov, the Director of the Training center of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC, joined the conference organized by the influential British organization Nautical Institute.

The conference, which was held in the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Rotterdam, was dedicated to Dynamic Positioning training.

During the event that took place on September 23-24 such issues such as the use of new methods in organizing trainings, training programs, and problems encountered in the learning process were discussed.

During their speeches at the conference, experts working in the field of navigation shared their views on the topic. The conference also created favorable conditions for the exchange of experience.

It should be noted that in 2017, the Nautical Institute issued a certificate to the ASCO Training Center for the Dynamic Positioning Simulator. This certificate allows conducting trainings on “DP Induction” and “DP Simulator”. At the moment, the Training Center is one of 89 centers worldwide certified for conducting trainings on “DP Induction” and “DP Simulator”, and it is the only center in Azerbaijan.