
ACSC organized a flash mob at sea to mark the National Flag Day
A flash mob of sailing yachts were held, by the organizational support of the CJSC Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company, at the National Seaside Park to mark the National Flag Day of 9 November.
Yachts of the sailing club “Khazar” participated in the flash mob. The yachts, shrouded in the colors of our tricolor flag, decorated the Caspian Sea with their open sails within two hours.
Residents of the capital also watched with a great interest the beauty created by the sailing ships.
The main goal of this event is to increase the patriotic spirit and promote love and respect for the national flag.
Here is the video of the flash mob.
It is worth to emphasize that, in view of the fact that the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan was first adopted on November 9, 2018, the 9th of November is marked as the National Flag Day each year by the Executive Order of the President Ilham Aliyev issued on November 17, 2009, to ensure respect and reverence for the state symbols of the Republic of Azerbaijan.