Energy conservation policy

The Company recognizes that the burning of fossil fuels, such as diesel and heavy fuel oil, can result in many environmental impacts. When fuel is combusted, pollutants such as the oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur are emitted to the atmosphere. These can contribute to the effects of greenhouse gases and acid rain. The prime way in reducing the effects of the above emissions is to efficiently control and conserve energy wherever possible. This can be done by ensuring that:
The main and auxiliary engines are operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The main and auxiliary engines are properly maintained as per the manufacturer’s instructions and the vessel’s PMS.
Funnel exhaust is correctly monitored to ensure efficient combustion.
Speed is correctly adjusted to avoid excess fuel consumption whilst staying within the parameters of the charterer’s requirements for speed and ETA’s.
Speed is reduced in heavy weather to avoid excess pounding and consumption.
The automatic pilot is correctly adjusted to avoid frequent and excess helm movements.
The condition of the ship’s bottom is regularly inspected for signs of fouling or damage to coating.
The condition of the ship’s propeller is regularly inspected for signs of damage.
Ancillary systems, including lighting, ventilation systems, galley ranges, steam supplies, etc. are turned off when not required.
The Company is committed to:
-Continual improvement in energy performance;
-Provide the necessary resources to achieve objectives and targets;
-Comply with legal and in-house requirements
-Provide a framework for setting and reviewing energy objectives and targets;
-Purchase of energy-efficient products and services;
-Documenting and communicating its energy policy within organizations;
-Review and update its energy policy at regular intervals.