Individual Scholarship

The “Guidelines on the assignation and payment of the educational scholarship for the students studying at the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy on the basis of intramural attendance” were approved by Order No. 181, dated November 16, 2017 issued by ASCO for the purposes of the further increase of interest in the education of the students studying at the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy (ASMA) and Azerbaijan Maritime College (College) under the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy. The educational scholarship is paid to the students at the expense of ASCO. The appointment of educational scholarship, titled and other similar bursary types established by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan does not preclude payment of educational scholarship assigned by these Guidelines.
The educational scholarships are awarded to students taking into account their high-performance indicators, regardless of whether their education is publicly – funded or fee paid. The value of the educational scholarship is determined at ASCO’s own discretion once a year, in accordance with the amount allocated for educational bursaries in the ASCO budget. According to the Guidelines, the list of students of ASMA and College, who collected 91-100 points for all subjects and not less than 91 points per subject at the end of the examination session (except for the first semester of the first academic year) under the specialties approved by ASCO, shall be prepared and submitted to ASCO. Students, newly admitted to ASMA and scored 550 points or more, shall be included in the same list as well and awarded with the individual educational scholarship in the first semester of the first academic year. The matter of granting a scholarship to such students (who were admitted to ASMA having scored 550 points or more) upon the end of the first semester of the first academic year shall be determined by the results of the examination session in accordance with the Guidelines. Appointment of scholarships and the amount thereof shall be formalized by the relevant Order of ASCO in accordance with the list submitted by educational institutions.
The individual educational scholarship shall be terminated in the following cases and on the day of occurrence thereof :
- If a student scores less than 91 points for any subject during the relevant semester (a student shall be entitled to get a scholarship again if he / she scores 91 points or more during the next semester) ;
- If a student is not admitted to the exam session ( student shall be entitled to get a scholarship again if he / she is allowed to attend the examination session and scores 91 points or more during the next semester) ;
- if a student is discharged from ASMA or College ;
- if a student receives a punitive reprimand.