Port and Agent Services

Port and agent services
Dry Cargo Port Facility “Zykh” (port) operates as a structural subdivision of Marine Transport Fleet (MTF) under “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint Stock Company. Main objective of the port is to organize, operate and manage its activities using advanced methods and technologies, provide services to vessels and passengers involved in commercial shipping, perform cargo operations, and provide other relevant port services.
In addition, marine agency 'Inflot' (agency) operates under the MTF. Primary objective of the agency is to facilitate formalization of various documents pertaining to vessel entry into the seaports of the Republic of Azerbaijan, stay in port and departures. Agency also serves as representative for shipowners, charterers and other legitimate vessel operators before relevant authorities and organizations. Furthermore, it undertakes financial responsibilities on their behalf.
Head of Marine Transportation Fleet Chingiz Gulmammad oghlu Safarov
Contact: (012) 404-37-00 (ext. 2108)
Email: chinqiz.safarov@asco.az
Head of the Department of Economy and Accounting of MTF: Azer Safarov
Contact: (012) 404-38-46 (ext. 2106)
Email: azer.safarov@asco.az
Head of the port: Elchin Hajiyev
Contact: (012) 404-37-00 (ext. 2141)
Email: elchin.haciyev@asco.az
Head of the agency: Gayis Rzayev
Contact: (012) 404-37-00 (ext. 2172)