
Sustainable development report of the “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” CJSC has been prepared covering the years 2016-2017
The Sustainable Development Report provides fully transparent disclosure of the outcomes of economic, social and environmental activities, covering achievements and the work which is done in the fields such as quality, health, labor safety, protection of the environment, corporate governance, personnel management and social performance. The report was prepared in accordance with the International Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and being audited by Ernst & Young, received a positive evaluation. Following the transparency principles, the report is published on the official website of the ACS.
It should be noted that from the very first days of its establishment, the ACS pays great attention to and regularly conducts works in the direction of the implementation of leading international experience in the field of shipping and organization of corporate governance system in compliance with the requirements of international standards.
Particularly for the purpose of ensuring transparency in the shipping industry, since 2014, alongside with the preparations of the Financial Reports, compliant with the international standards (IFRS), Sustainable Development Reports has been given a start in ASC, covering period of two years. The first Sustainable Development Report of the Shipping Company for 2014-2015 was prepared in 2016 and audited by an international audit company. It received a positive feedback and was posted on the official website of the Shipping Company. Thus, ACS was the first shipping company in the Caspian Basin to disclose its Sustainable Development Report on the activities of the corporate social responsibility.
The electronic version of the report can be found on the following link