Members of the Management Board

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Tariyel Taleh oglu Mirzayev
Tariyel Taleh oglu Mirzayev was born in 1986.
He graduated with distinction from the Engineering Economics and Management department of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy as a Presidential Scholar. Having graduated from Azerbaijan State Oil Academy with a degree in "Business Administration and Management" in 2011 and "Business Administration" organized by the Maastricht School of Management and ADA University in 2017-2019, he received his master's degree. Tariel accomplished Strategy and Innovation program at Oxford University in 2020-2021.
During 2010-2014 he held various positions in audit and advisory services at the Azerbaijan branch of Ernst&Young.
Since 2014, he has continued his service in "Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping" CJSC as a leading economist in the department of strategic development and investment projects whereupon he held positions of deputy head and head of the department.
He was also awarded the "160th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (1858-2018)" Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Tariyel Mirzayev was a finalist in the second "Yuksalish" competition.
Tariel Taleh oglu Mirzayev was appointed Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Closed Joint Stock Company by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 24, 2022.
He is a member of the New Azerbaijan Party.
He is married with a child.