“Khazar” Sailing Boats Sports Club

- About the company
- Strategic targets and goals
- Structure
- Members of the Supervisory Board
- Members of the Management Board
- Reports
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Our partners
- International certificates and accreditations
- Privacy Policy
- Regulations
“Khazar” Sailing Boats Club (Club) was established as a club qualified as an unincorporated entity and its Statute approved in accordance with Order No. 77, dated May 16, 2014 issued by ASCO with the objective of developing the sailing sports in our country and to establish a rich tradition of this type of sport. The main purposes of the club are the developing the physical training in the sphere of sailing sports, including this type of sport itself, effective organization leisure time, protection of health and achieving the physical development of the members of the club, ensuring their always being ready and properly trained for the defence of the Motherland and ensuring their involvement in the formation of reserve forces of the national teams of the republic.
The club’s activities are based on the principles of protecting the lives and health of those involved in sailing, developing and improving their physical fitness, enhancing skills in the sphere of sailing, and making them attain moral and spiritual qualities in the spirit of patriotism.
The functions of the club are the following :
- organization of the physical training and engagement in sailing sports and sports tourism activities of those who are studying in the field of sailing sport and interested in this type of sport, including the founder’s employees and the members of the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy and other members ;
- provision of the various sports services to the population, including mass physical – health education and the sailing sports ;
- organization of the sailing tourism projects and participation in such projects ;
- taking of necessary measures associated with the membership in the Azerbaijan Sailing Boats Sports Federation ;
- providing supervision of the training process in health care groups and sports units, building national expansion teams and ensuring their training and participation in competitions ;
- performing other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.