Personnel Management Committee

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- Regulations
In accordance with clauses 7.1.16, 7.1.17 and 7.3 of the Articles of Association of ASCO and the Order No. 194, dated 08.10.2018 issued by ASCO, the Personnel Management Committee, which is considered to be a collegial body, was established and its Statute, as well as the “Guidelines for the Management of Human Resources for Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” was approved for the purposes of approval of the internal instrument with quick, operational mechanism and complying with the generally accepted principles and practices, adoption of decision on the matters associated with recruitment and transfer to another job, conclusion of labour contracts with certain employees, determination of the labor remuneration rates and bonuses to salary, making proposals for approval of staff positions and schedules including, other measures associated with the management of human resources. The main objective of the Committee is to perform the functions of the employer on behalf of ASCO in relation to the employees defined by ASCO Chairman, to carry out the relevant tasks in accordance with the ASCO Human Resources Management Rules, and to organize the work (activities) of ASCO associated with the management of human resources in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Committee performs its work by adopting decisions by the members of the Committee (Chairman of the Committee, His / her Deputies and other members) while participating in the meetings of the Committee or by adopting decisions which are signed (approved) by the members of the Committee or only by the Chairman of the Committee without holding the meetings.
The Committee has the following rights and obligations :
- to perform the functions and responsibilities of the employer on behalf of ASCO in respect of the employees determined by ASCO Chairman, as well as, to conclude a labor contract with relevant employees associated with certain positions, to terminate concluded labor contracts, to implement disciplinary action against employees or to take encouraging measures in respect of them, to amend labour remuneration rate of the employees, to control the human resources management of the ASCO structures ;
- to conduct interviews, to choose from among the applicants meeting the requirements of the vacancy and to take appropriate action according to the outcome of the choice ;
- to adopt a decision on the inclusion of the applicants into the Employee Reserve Pool (ERP) and approve the announcements for ERP;
- to investigate the complaints submitted in respect of the result of test examinations and trial assignment, including the decisions made for an increase of labour remuneration rates and to give clarification for the results of the investigation ;
- to approve the exam papers prepared to increase the labour remuneration ranks and testing tasks associated with the competition ;
- to consider the cases associated with increasing of the labour remuneration rank of ASCO employees and adopt a decision in respect thereof ;
- to identify persons having access to the electronic database of test tasks ;
- to make decisions on the election and recruitment (allocation) of ASCO personnel, management and announcement of the newly available vacancies, conducting of competitions and to supervise the work carried out by the entities in respect thereof ;
- to request information from the structural subdivisions of the head office of ASCO and from other subsidiary entities of ASCO regarding the performance of their duties and functions and to require them to implement necessary measures ;
- to decide on the reallocation of the laid-off personnel to other vacancies available at ASCO ;
- to determine the compliance of the labour remuneration grades designated in accordance with the approved list of staff members, including the bonuses added to the salary of employees considered as the nomenclature of ASCO Chairman and the Committee with the actual situation and the volume of the work to be performed and to make proposals with respect thereof ;
- to coordinate the personnel management process between the entities ;
- to make proposals to ASCO Chairman on the preparation and improvement of internal documents regulating the management of personnel (human resources) of ASCO ;
- to adopt, within the limits of its capacity, appropriate decisions (approval of documents) regarding the application of internal documents regulating the management of human resources at ASCO ;
- to adopt a decision on the conducting of investigation and to instruct the relevant structural units to do so, in case of emergence of any doubt on the results of the competition ;
- to adopt a decision on the assignment of the organization of competitions, associated with certain positions (vacancies) to the relevant entities ;
- to involve external consultants, supervisors and experts for the purposes of preparation of test questions, supervision of examination processes and provision of feedback in respect of interviews conducted ;
- to adopt a decision on the elimination of the vacancy ;
- to make decisions, that do not contradict with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and internal documents of ASCO, on matters that are not regulated by internal documents of ASCO in the sphere of election and recruitment of employees including, management of newly available vacancies and human resources.