Write a letter E-mail Representatives Visiting days Ticket-office Write a letter Address My ASCO Name * Surname * Father's name * Your e-mail * Phone number * Address * Your workplace * Social status * Select from the list Blue – collar worker White – collar worker Retired person Military Student Unemployed Otherе Type of application * Select from the list Suggestion Application Compliant Main theme: * Select from the list Welfare assistance Treatment in the Seaman Central Hospital Benefit payment Workplace change State assets conversion Illegal dismissal Abuse of official powers Social disputes Accommodation in hostel Permission on privatisation of living space in hostel Improvement of work conditions Application on acceptance in kindergarten Application for ACSC training Employment Tuition fee payment Note of thanks Suggestion Corruption Other Apply * SEND Fill in the required fields !! Your message has not been sent. Please try again !! Your letter has been sent. Thank you.